Speak Greatness

We spend too much time projecting negativity into the world, and we need to start speaking greatness more into the world.

It says in the Bible. “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24 New International Version

This scripture means we can do much more with kind words than evil ones. It has been proven that there is power in words. Many people tend to speak about success in their own life and not the lives of their people.

Imagine this. It’s a hot day. You and your friends are all standing in an empty pool with buckets of water. You all have two options: use the water you have in your buckets to keep yourself cool or empty your buckets into the pool and benefit from the water together.

Imagine that the water represents blessings in your life, and you are limited to the blessings in your bucket.

Wouldn't you want to get some more blessings from the other buckets?

What if your bucket is smaller than everyone else's? Wouldn't you want them to splash some of their blessings on you?

Take out the water analogy and apply this story to the workplace. If you go to work and tell your coworker, "You are doing great this month; you will get promoted for sure." What do you think that does to your coworker’s psyche?

It makes them feel good, and it makes them work harder. It makes them produce more, and as a result, that small moment of just speaking greatness into their career manifests itself into a promotion.

Now that that coworker feels good, they will spread that greatness to another coworker, then another. The greatness will spread throughout your department and your entire company.

This process creates an "environment of blessings," That environment can only be made by speaking greatness upon yourself and speaking greatness into other people's lives.

What goes around comes around. Let your boomerang be filled with greatness.